"The Casterton News" 2nd June 1891
This District seems of late to have received particular attention from Indian Hawkers, whose interesting looking, swarthy faces and bright picturesque turbans have become quite familiar objects in the streets. No sooner do one batch of the wandering foreigners leave the town, than another arrives and pitches camp on the site just vacated by his predecessor.

By all accounts they are not all teetotalers, and to this fact may to a certain extent be attributed the unearthly shouting and singing with which on a few occasions some of these strangers disturbed the peace of many of the townspeople.

Accusations are constantly being leveled against the Hindoo’s for frightening women and children to buy their wares, in lonely bush houses to which they come while the men are away at work. This is no doubt a frequent mode by which these hawkers disperse their goods.