Towards the end of 1949 - for want of a local school - children of the Wando Heights district travelled 6 miles to Nareen or learnt by correspondence. In recognition of the urgent need, W. KOCH donated suitable land and the parents combined to erect a school consisting of a classroom and a separate small TV theatrette. The Department provided the furniture and appointed Miss J. CLODE as HT of the 16 pupils enrolled, when the school opened on 6th of February 1951. Present at the first Committee meeting in 1951 were the district people who initiated the establishment of the school: Cr. S. SPIERS [sic Mr C R "Roy" SPEIRS], Messrs E.J. COXON, L.G. KOCH, D. REID, H.R. JONES and Mrs PEARCE. C. AUSTIN always interested in the school, organised the planting of the trees and the gardens to create a very attractive environment. Many teachers spent short periods at the school including Misses J. CLODE, V. McNALLY, R. RADLEY and Messrs W. PETERSON, I. WEBSTER, D. HUTTON, D. THOMPSON, K. TEASDALE, G. RODGERS, D. MILLICH, L. COLDWELL. Though the school's life has been comparatively short, a number of pupils have distinguished themselves: P.A. JONES (Doctor), E. REID (Rotary Exchange Student), M. SPIERS [sic SPEIRS] (Diploma of Dietics & Nutrition), A. WOODROFFE (Doctor of Science), G. WOODROFFE (agricultural specialist), L. WOODROFFE and J. KOCH (primary teachers), C. BEATON and M. COXON (nurses).

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.

Wando Heights School Photograph 1956

(Photo courtesy of Clement Viney. Names : Clement Viney & Peter Hurley. Date thanks to Sandra Buntin)

Possible identifications (all help appreciated - Daryl Povey)

Peter Wise or Ian Webster (Teacher)

10 Girls Standing at Rear (left - right)

1. Teacher (Sewing) Beverley Pearce ? 2. Annette Reid 3. Sandra Buntin 4. Louise Woodroffe 5. Prudence Reid

6. Pauline Beaton 7. Carol Beaton 8. Eril Reid 9. Jodie Koch 10. Faye Buntin.

4 Boys Standing next to Teacher (left - right)

1. Norman Pearce ? 2. Vince Canham 3. Bobby Canham 4. Wallace Koch.

3 Boys & 2 girls Standing front (left - right)

1. Greg Harker 2. John Coxon 3. Philip Koch 4. Nerine Bunton 5. Margaret Coxon.

Seated (left - right)

1. Clement Viney 2. Brian Hurley 3. Shelley Corney 4. Laurence Beaton 5. Beverly Robertson

6. Paula Woodroffe 7. Alan Viney 8. Robert Corney ? 9. Peter Hurley.

Wando Heights School Photograph 1963

(Photo & some names thanks to Kevin Teasdale, Teacher ; some names : Jan Madex)

Possible identifications (all help appreciated - Daryl Povey)

Back row (left - right)

1. Kevin Teasdale (Teacher) 2. Helen Robertson 3. Verna Harker 5. John Speirs 6. Daryl Smith

7. Anthony Povey 8. Lawrence Beaton.

Middle 2 rows (left - right)

1. Rosemary Coxon 2. Paul Jones 3. Suzanne Marshall 4. David Roberston 5. Wendy Povey 6. Diane Madex 7. Janet Madex

8. Kerry Povey 9. Gayle Jones 10. John Dehnert 11. Tom Pelham-Thorman 12. Trevor Harker.

Front row (left - right)

1. Shane Tierney 2. Garry Marshall 3. Greg Povey 4. Mark Jones 5. Susan Dehnert, 6. Murray Robertson, 7. Beris McGinty, 8. Anne Miller.

Wando Heights Ex-Students