In May 1888 a petition was submitted for a school at Poolaijelo (Aboriginal for "two swamps") and in September a 14ftx12ft room was rented from W. SHARAM for £4 p.a. The school opened in January 1890 with Charles M. JOHNSTONE as HT and an attendance of 9. A new building 'to be lined and sealed ... roofed with iron ... to contain a chimney' was erected in 1895 but due to low attendances the school worked part-time with Dergholm before being closed in 1905. In 1919 Poolaijelo was re-opened as a part-time school with Meereek but closed again in 1920. Three years later (1923) it opened as a subsidised school but closed again after three months. Residents of Poolaijelo, petitioned successfully for a full-time school in 1941, the instruction beginning in September 1942. A bushfire, which nearly destroyed the school in 1955 did much damage to the grounds. In 1961 a new school was built; it was added to in 1965 when the attendance reached 47. From 1963 there had been a full-time assistant at the school which since 1942 has had 5 District Inspectors, 34 teachers and 33 Committee members. Only 3 teachers have taught at the school for more than a year.

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.