A meeting of the settlers at Gringegalgona brought to the notice of the Department the need for a school in the district. William TOLEMAN acted as Secretary and J.E. MATTHEWS sent in a list of intending pupils. DI A.J. LAW recommended establishment of a school part-time with Brit Brit which was to be re-opened. The residents erected a building on a site near the hall, it was at the corner of Block 5, Parish of Gringegalgona, County of Dundas. SS4349 Gringegalgona opened on June 1927 with Kenneth R. McLEAN as HT from 28th of June to 17th of September 1927. It worked part-time with SS1332 Brit Brit. Gringegalgona became full-time on 12th of June 1928, attendance being 16. At the beginning of 1948, the building from SS3787 Balochile River was removed to the site of the leased building, but not restored for use as Gringegalgona was to be included in Balmoral Consolidated School. The Balochile River building was again moved, this time to Balmoral, and reservation of the site was revoked.

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.