In the early 1920s Wootong Vale Estate was sub-divided for settlement by ex-English Indian Army Officers under the direction of a company known as Australian Farms Limited. When many abandoned their unprofitable holdings, their places were filled by Australian returned men and it was their children who attended the school. Parents erected the building on a site on the Coleraine-Balmoral Rd, 6 miles from Coleraine, and leased it to the Government. HT Lena MARTIN opened the school on the 1st of March 1931 and taught there until 28th of April 1934. Other teachers in later years were Misses SLUYTER and McGUANE, and D.L. HARRISON (1940). The school closed on 22nd of July 1952.

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.