Walter HERD 1823-1876 was born 1823 Edinburgh, Scotland to Walter HERD & Janet CHAPMAN. He emigrated from Greenock, Scotland in June 1841 on the "India" which burnt and sank in the South Atlantic in July 1841 with the loss of 17 lives. The survivors were taken to Rio de Janerio on the "Roland" a French whaler from where they were collected by the "Grindlay" which arrived at Port Phillip in October 1841 as recorded in the following account published in "The Courier" (Hobart, Tas.) Tuesday, 16th November 1841...

"The India."--"The Grindlay," of Liverpool, Captain Grindlay, arrived from Rio de Janeiro on Friday afternoon, with the surgeon-superintendent, Dr. Houston, and 159 of the survivors from the wreck of the ill-fated "India." We are indebted to the polite attention of Dr. Houston for the following additional particulars concerning this disastrous voyage. "The India" sailed from Greenock on the 5th June, with 186 bounty emigrants on board ; the health of the people, was good, and the voyage as prosperous as could possibly be desired until the 19th July, in 16° 41' S. lat., when the ship was destroyed by fire, as narrated in a former number, and 17 lives lost. The survivors were picked up by the "Roland," a French whaler; belonging to Havre de Grace, and carried into Rio de Janeiro. The sufferings of the poor emigrants on board the "Roland" were truly deplorable, though every assistance in the power of the master and seamen was kindly afforded them. Many of them were taken on board, literally in a state of nakedness, others only half-dressed, and most of them suffering from wounds, bruises, and burns. The "Roland" fortunately had been fitted out for an eighteen months' voyage, the crew were well supplied with clothing, and there was abundance of water and provisions on board to afford the poor people shelter, sails were spread upon the deck, under cover of which they slept ; but the canvas proved but a sorry protection from the cold damp air and occasional heavy showers of rain. On the 24th July they reached Rio, and were furnished with comfortable lodgings on an island, a short distance from the town, where they remained until the 22d August, when they embarked on board the "Grindlay" for this port. There were three births on the voyage, one on board the "India," one at Rio, and one on board the "Grindlay" ; the latter was still-born ; both the former are doing well. The deaths in all amounted to nineteen, of whom seventeen were drowned at the wreck of the "India" ; one, a child, died at Rio de Janeiro ; and one, a young woman named Eliza Quinn, accidentally fell overboard and was drowned on the 2nd October. At Rio, three widows and three children were sent back to Scotland, and two men and three women remained behind ; the number was consequently reduced to 159, who have arrived in safety in the "Grindlay." At the time the India was burning, one of the passengers, Mr. Rooney, had to swim nearly a mile before he was relieved by a boat from the whaler.-"Port Phillip Patriot," 25th, October.
Source : "The Courier" (Hobart, Tas.) Tuesday, 16th November 1841.

Elizabeth Adams KERR 1833-193 was born 1826, Glasgow, Scotland, daughter of Thomas KERR & Agnes GARDINER arrived at Sydney, Colony of NSW with other family members on the "Trinidad" in 1841. The family remained in NSW for a number of years but had moved to Portland, Port Phillip by 1850 where the last child was born.

Walter HERD was married in 1850 in the Port Phillip District, Colony of NSW to Elizabeth Adams KERR and had a possible family of 8 children at Hotspur & Coleraine district, S-W Victoria from 1853 to 1865. Their first child, Agnes Gardner HERD was born at Hotspur on the Crawford River in S-W Victoria in 1853.

Walter HERD was a farmer with 319 acres at Bil-Bil-Wyt, between Coleraine & Balmoral, S-W Victoria prior to his death there in 1876 and was buried in the Coleraine cemetery. His widow Elizabeth married again to Thomas PENHALL ~1824-192 in 1878 and they lived at Gritjurk near Coleraine until Thomas died there in 1912 and Elizabeth died at Hamilton, S-W Vic., in 1913.

Walter HERD & Elizabeth Adams KERR had the following family...

  1. Agnes Gardner HERD b. 1853, Hotspur, S-W Vic., d. 1934 Hamilton, S-W Vic., m. in 1890 at Coleraine, S-W Vic., to Thomas SWIFT 1857-1938 ; 3 children.

  2. Janet HERD b. 1855, ......, S-W Vic., d. 1921 Hamilton, S-W Vic., m. in 1879 at Deniliquin, NSW to George HICKS .............. 5 children.

  3. Julia HERD b. 1857, Coleraine, S-W Vic., d. 1929 Kilmore, Vic., m. in 1889 to John MALONY .............. 5 children.

  4. Jane HERD b. 1859, ..............

  5. Isabella HERD b. 1859, .............., d. 1882, Warragul, Vic.

  6. Grace HERD b. 1861, ..............

  7. Helene HERD b. 1863, Coleraine, S-W Vic., d. 1943 Hamilton, S-W Vic., m. in 1890 at Balmoral, S-W Vic., to David SWIFT 1864-1938 ; 2 children.

  8. Emily Jane HERD b. 1865, Coleraine, S-W Vic., d. 1943 Sydney, NSW., m. in 1888 to Mattais Word "Matthew" BRODY 1859-1917, b. Wando Vale, S-W Vic., d. Sydney, NSW ; 6 children.