St. George's Lodge, Merino.

Installation Ceremony.

On Wednesday, 17th inst., at St George's Masonic Lodge, the installation of Bro. G. Graham as W.M., and the investiture of his officers, took place in the presence of a large number of members, and visiting Brethren from Casterton, Coleraine, Hamilton, Portland, Warrnambool and Geelong, there being about 60 visitors in attendance, including the following Grand Lodge officers :--

V.W. Bro. Ven. Arch. deacon Bennett (representing the V.W. Grand Master) ; R. Wor. Bro. J. Cornish, P.S.G.W., acting G.D.C. ; Wor. Bro. J. Swan, P.J.G.D., Wor. Bros. F. Uren, P.S.G.D., A. H. F. Lord, P.S.G.D., H. Day, P.S.G.D., G. K. Veitch, P.J.G.D., D. V. West, P.D.G.D.C., A. B. Shanklin, P.J.G.D., C. Rolfe, P.J.G.D., R. E. Poynter, P.G.Std.B., A. C. Ross, P,G.S.

The Installing Master was Wor. Bro. J. Swan, P.S.G.D., and Bro. G. Graham was duly installed as W.M. according to ancient custom.

The following officers were invested :--

S.W., Bro. W. T. Holmes ; J.W., Bro. M. Dwyer ; Chaplain, Wor. Bro. Rev. J. P. Schussler ; Treasurer, Wor. Bro. W. R. Bryce ; Secretary, Wor. Bro. A. B. Shanklin, P.J.G.D. ; S.D., Bro. J. McCoy ; J.D., Bro. D . W. Brock. Organist, Wor. Bro. G. Coulson ; D.C., Wor. Bro. A. C. Ross, P.G.S. ; I.G., Bro. C. Moon ; Tyler, Bro. Jas Brebner.

Bro. W. McK, Shaw, who has recently returned after two years' service at the front, was cordially welcomed to his other Lodge by the W.M., Bro. G. Graham.

A banquet followed, at which the toasts usual to the occasion were honored, to which was added the toast of Bro, W. McK. Shaw, who gave a soldierly and telling response. The proceedings throughout were most enjoyable.

Source : "The Casterton News" (Vic.) Thursday, 25th April 1918.