This little bush school was situated approximately 8 miles W of Merino, on the Six Chain Rd. It was built in an area where early selectors had taken up small bush holdings. Before their blocks proved uneconomic selectors sent 15-20 children to the school. As numbers dwindled after 1884, the school worked part-time with Mocamboro. Several past pupils still reside in the Merino district, but the bushland has reclaimed the old school site.

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.

This is another early school which may be identified with Sandford. Although it was called Bowtell's Creek School - Bowtell's Creek being the official name for what is more commonly known as Bushell's Creek - the little bush school was actually situated near Dwyer's Creek. It was on the Six Chain Road about seven miles south of Sandford and was built to cater for families of early settlers who had taken up small bush holdings.

Few records of this School are available and the bush has reclaimed the old School site. It appears that only 15-20 children attended the School and it was worked part-time with The Bluff School in 1884, the teacher spending certain days each week at each school.

The settlers found that their blocks would not provide them with a living and began to move away, and the School closed in 1884.

Source: Back-to-Sandford, 1975.