"The Hamilton Spectator" (Hamilton, Vic.) Saturday, 13th January 1872.
CASTERTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) January 11.

Throngh the efforts of a gentleman at Casterton, as a counterpoise to the drunkenness that prevails in the colony, a branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites will shortly be established in Sandford. The rapid growth of this useful benefit society, both in the colonies and the mother country, alone testifies its appreciation by the public. Not only does it cement together the scattered fragments of society--men variously engaged in pursuits recognised by the laws of their country, though differing widely in circumstances, education, and social position ; but by careful forethought, and out of the daily earnings of its members, it accumulates funds to meet the calamities of sickness and infirmities from old age, and thus relieves the State of the burden of maintaining extensive charitable institutions. Further, it extends the principles of sobriety and morality, and cultivates the social and intellectual elevation of its members ; therefore, the people of Sandford will hail with pleasure the establishment of an institution of this kind amongst them, and it is hoped that their young men will not lack spirit to enrol themselves under its banner. There is a life assurance branch in connection with the society.

"The Hamilton Spectator" (Hamilton, Vic.) Wednesday, 28th August 1872.
CASTERTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) August 26.

Saturday last was a gala day with the Sons of Temperance here, it being their third anniversary. In compliance with invitations to kindred societies, and at the prescribed hour, the Rechabites and Templars of the Sandford lodges, headed by the Sandford Juvenile Tent of I.O.R., rode into the town in military fashion, the leading file with lances and pennants, and followed by a van full of male and female Templars. On arriving at the Hall at the other end of the town, the members dismounted and formed into procession with the Sons, the Casterton Band of Hope, and the Undaunted Lodge of Good Templars of Casterton, the whole headed by a flag of the Order of the Sons of Temperance, and a powerful brass band of the Teetotallers, proceeded slowly through the town--where they were cheered--en route to the high hill over looking Casterton. There the procession halted and rested for a short time, when, after giving three cheers, it returned to the Hall, which was soon filled with members of the various Temperance Societies, who sat down and enjoyed a fine repast. Loyal and temperance toasts in aqua pura having been disposed of, the Band of Hope children and the Juvenile Rechabites of Sandford were treated to a good spread. In the evening an entertainment took place, consisting of music, melodies, temperance dialogues, recitations, readings, &c The room was well filled. The weather during the day was delightful, and everything passed off very well.

"The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton, Vic.) Wednesday, 23rd October 1872.

The Sandford Rechabites' bazaar, in aid of lodge fittings and a building reserve fund, was held in Nicholl's Hall on Saturday last. Great efforts had been made by the members of the Tent to render the interior of the building as attractive as possible, and the promoters were so far successful in their exertions, that the general oponion seemed to be that the room could not have been improved on. The goods stalls, which were handsomely decorated with flowers, extended the whole length of one side of the building, and were replete with articles of fancy work, also useful articles of clothing, and curiosities. Amongst the latter were relics of the Crimean war, and an autograph of the celebrated Dr. Abernethy. Of temperance literature there was a good supply. Fair damsels of Casterton and Sandford acted as stallkeepers, and they really had a hard day's work of it, considering the weather was very warm ; but they attended to their duties in a zealous manner, and certainly did their best in getting the goods sold. Refreshment tables were ranged the whole length of the opposite side of the room, and although the charge was only one shilling, a person could have a good dinner, in the shape of joints of meat, poultry, hams, bacon, tongues, puddings and tarts, cakes, cream cheese, &c, with coffee and tea. This department was well supervised by some Sandford ladies. The walls of the room were decorated with the Tent dispensation, surmounted with Rechabite paraphernalia, members' handsomely framed certificates, ornamented with flowers, and the title of the Tent printed in conspicuous colours, together with the motto of the order, flags, native weapons, &c. A very handsome banner of the Digby Band of Hope, well executed by Mr. Dempster, of Digby, excited much attention. At the platform end of the room was a post-office, fitted with a pretty front, embellished with coloured paper and curtains, over which was painted, in gay colours, "I.O.R. Post-office." The post mistress was well up to her work, and did a good business. About one o'clock the attendance was greatest, but the room was well filled from noon till ten o'clock at night. Amongst the articles raffled was a very handsome pair of leather-work picture-frames and good pictures. The former were splendid specimens of the art, and reflected great credit on the lady who made them--Mrs. Lyons, of Sandford. The lucky-bag was well patronised, and caused much amusement. At the wind-up of the proceeding, the small balance of unsold goods was disposed of by auction. It was intended to put up for sale the spare stock of butter, poultry, puddings, &c. ; but, by the advice of the ladies, these were finally reserved to form a treat for the children. The affair was attractive, largely attended, and well managed. The committee of management spoke very highly of the kind, assistance rendered by the contributors, as well as by those ladies who so kindly acted as store-keepers and managed the refreshment branch.

"The Hamilton Spectator" (Hamilton, Vic.) Wednesday, 1st January 1873.
CASTERTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) December 30.

The appointment of the officers to the Sandford and Wannon Tent of Independent Order of Rechabites, for the half year ending 25th June, 1873, took place on the 21st inst., and resulted as follows :-- H. Lavery, C.R. ; W. Anderson, D.R. ; Thos. Somerville, Secretary ; J. Mitchell, W.S. ; Wm. Grinham, M.S. ; C. M'Garry, Levite ; Wm. Layley, Treasurer ; Jos. Lyons, Guardian ; W. Anderson and John Lyons, Auditors ; R. R. Homfray and H. Lavery, Superintendents of the Juvenile Tent ; Dr. Wm. Smith, Surgeon ; J. Doyle, Trustee, vice--Hood, resigned. Those members who will have become entitled to the mysteries of the Inner Court will receive the same in February next, provided the proper officers can be obtained to perform the ancient ceremony connected with the same.

"The Hamilton Spectator" (Hamilton, Vic.) Wednesday, 2nd April 1873.
To Builders.

TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up till noon of SATURDAY, 5th April, for Erecting a BRICK BUILDING for the Sandford and Wannon Society of Rechabites, at Sandford.
Plans and specifications to be seen at the Shire Hall, Casterton.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
JOHN CARRUTHERS. Casterton, 24th March, 1873.

"The Hamilton Spectator" (Vic.) Saturday, 10th May 1873.

THE Sandford and Wannon Tent, No. 178, V.D.I.O. RECHABITES, will hold a BAZAAR (in aid of the Building Fund of the Society), for the Sale of all kinds of Fancy and Useful Articles, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 16th and 17th, at Grant's Store, the premises formerly occupied by Mr. S. Rapkin.
For further particulars see Handbills.

"The Hamilton Spectator" (Vic.) Wednesday, 21st May 1873.

The brethren, comprising the Sandford and Wannon Tent of the I.O. Rechabites have been true to their promise to endeavour to erect a hall of their own. At the beginning of the year the question was introduced in the Society, and since that date it has been kept more or less prominently before the members. Success has so far attended the efforts of those favourable to the scheme, and on Saturday, the 17th inst, the ceremony of laying the foundation stone took place. There were present on that occasion the officers and a goodly number of the brethren of the adult and juvenile tents of Sandford, the Casterton juvenile tent, together with visitors from the Sons of Temperance Division at Casterton, and the Merino Lodges of Good Templars, also a sprinkling of the fair sex. Shortly after noon a procession formed in front of the lodge room, headed by the Casterton Temperance Brass Band (which added materially to the pleasure of the day's proceedings), and marched to the site of the hall. Having arrived there, the brethren halted inside of an enclosure made of poles and ropes, and the business began by the senior officer of the society, P.C.R., Brother R. R. Homfray, reading a short history of the Rechabites ; at the conclusion of which the forms of the ceremony were conducted by that officer, assisted by the C.B., Brother H. Lavery, and the Treasurer, Brother W. Layley. The Secretary, Brother Somerville, was called upon to read the copy of a document placed under the stone. Brother Homfray, the ...... name of the tent, presented Brother Layley with a handsome silver trowel, on which was engraved the following inscription :-- "Presented to Brother W. Layley by Tent 178, I.O.R., on the occasion of his laying the foundation stone of the Rechabite Hall, Sandford, Victoria, 17th May, 1873. Brother Layley, at the request of the P.C.R., having well and truly laid the stone, the proceedings were bronght to a close by the well-wishers of temperance placing coins on the stone, to the amount of £2 14s. The band played the National Anthem, and then the brethren marched back to the lodge room, after which they adjourned for refreshments to to the premises where a bazaar was being held in aid of the building fund of the Society. The building will not exhibit any great pretensions to architectural beauty, neither will there be any elaborate ornamentation, but the material used will be of the best quality, and the workmanship first-class. The dimensions will be--length, 41 feet ; width, 18 feet. Mr. John Carruthers is the architect, and Mr. James M'Cormack the contractor.