William McLELLAN was b. 1838, Ayrshire, Scotland, son of John McLELLAN and Mary Ann STEWART.

Catherine McARTHUR was b. 1838, Ross-shire, Scotland, daughter of John McARTHUR and Emily ____.

William McLELLAN and Catherine McARTHUR were married in 1857, at Abbey Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland and at least 2 children were born there and appear to have died prior to their emigration from Liverpool, England on the "Shackamaxon" in November 1861. William (24y) & Catherine McLELLAN (24y) and their daughter Mary Ann (1y) arrived at Hobson's Bay, Melbourne in January 1861 as detailed in the following newspaper reports...

Shackamaxon, ship, 989 tons, John B. Teulon, from Liverpool 8th November, with 345 Government immigrants. Dr. Jolley, surgeon superintendent. De Pass Brothers, agents.
The ship Shackamaxon arrived in Hobson's Bay late on Tuesday evening. She brings a large number of Government immigrants. One casualty occurred, a man being accidentally killed. The immigrants are in good health, and the vessel is thoroughly clean.
The following is the classification of the immigrants which arrived by the ship Shackamaxon :-- Married couples, 28 ; single women, 255 ; single men 3 ; children under 14 years, 23 ; infants 9.
"The Argus" (Melbourne, Vic.) Thursday, 31st January 1861.

Immigration Office, Melbourne, January 31, 1861.
IMMIGRANT SHIP SHACKAMAXON - The HIRING of the IMMIGRANTS by the above named vessel has been POSTPONED, in consequence of the inclemency of the weather and their inability to land, until Saturday next, the 2nd of February, at the following hours, viz :--
Married couples, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Single females, at 11 o'clock a.m.
Tickets for admission to the single females' depot can be obtained at this office, from 11 o'clock a.m. until 2 o'clock p.m. Any employer who has not previously engaged female servants at the Depot will be required to bring an introduction from a respectable householder in Melbourne.
J. CHATFIELD TYLER, Immigration Agent.

"The Argus" (Melbourne, Vic.) Saturday, 2nd February 1861.

The family settled at Sandford before 1871 with three more children probaly born in the area.

William McLELLAN died at Heywood, S-W Victoria in April 1871 after an 1871 style drink driving episode with Charles KOCH in a spring cart, and was reurned to Sandford for burial in the local cemetery.

William's accident at Drumborg and death at Heywood, S-W Victoria were reported in the local newspapers...

On Monday last two farmers Charles Koch, a German, and -- McLellan, both the worse for liquor, left Heywood about three p.m. for Sandford where they reside, when some miles from Heywood the men driving in a spring cart turned round and drove back to Heywood in a furious manner. Passing down the hill at Drumborg, Koch and McLellan pulled to one side to get clear of a dray, when coming in contact with a log the wheel of the spring cart was smashed and both men thrown out of the vehicle with great violence and were carried back to Heywood totally insensible and both bleeding at the ears, Koch the German, most profusely. Dr Brewer was called in and report both men still in great danger. M'Lellan the worst.
"The Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser" (Vic.) Thursday, 6th April 1871.
The Coleraine Albion records a shocking accident that took place on Tuesday in last week, near Heywood. Two well-known residents of the neighbourhood of Sandford, named M'Lennan and Koch, were returning home from Portland in a spring-cart, when, coming down Drumborg-hill, they turned on one side to avoid a dray and team which were in the road, and in so doing they came in contact with a log with so much force that they were thrown with great violence to the ground. They were taken to the Heywood Hotel, and Dr. Brewer at once was sent for. So serious were the injuries received, that a day or two after M'Lennan died, the cause of death being concussion of the brain, and Koch still lies in a precarious condition.
"The Argus" Tuesday, 18th April 1871.
On Saturday, the 8th inst., at Heywood, William Learmonth, Esq., J.P., held a magisterial inquiry into the circumstances connected with the death of William McLellan, Sandford, the result of an accident on the 4th.
The first witness, Margaret Hunt, deposed that she was the wife of Edward Hunt, living at Drumborg. On Tuesday, the 4th inst., saw deceased and another man driving in a spring cart furiously down the hill opposite the house of witness about 12 noon. Saw also another cart coming, in the same direction, the drivers of which drew on one side to allow the spring cart to pass. The cart in which deceased sat turned off the road and went over a log ; the deceased was thrown violently in the air and fell upon his head, the other man, who was driving was also thrown out and the cart capsized, and he was dragged about 20 yards. A woman in the other cart hearing witness call went to the place where both men were lying. Saw James Reid of Drumborg go to the place.
James Reid corroborated the evidence of Margaret Hunt. About the hour named heard the vehicle come down the hill furiously ; and then heard the scream of a female, twice. Ran in the direction of the screams and at the foot of the hill found a man with horses and team, the man holding the leader, the dray in the water table, the woman clapping her hands saying the men were dead. The two men were lying on the metal metal road about 10 yards apart, and insensible, the spring cart capsised, lying on the near wheel about 20 yards from Koch, the mate of deceased, and who is still alive. Applied water and other means, for restoration, but without avail, although showing symptoms of life.
John M'Lellan identified the body as that of his brother William ; saw him die at 4-30 a.m. on Friday.
Dr. Brewer was called on to visit deceased and his companion Koch ; found both suffering from similar symptoms. On examining the eyes found the pupils contracted, pulse quick, but soft, slightly intermittent at times, visited a second time, but death ensued, as described. Was informed that deceased bled at the ears. Held that concussion of the brain, and probable fracture of the base of the skull caused death.
The magistrate found that death had been the result of an accident, from the capsizing of the spring cart, in the endeavor to avoid a dray, and coming in contact with a log, and the concussion of the brain as described in evidence.
We learn by this day's post that Charles Koch is improving, and likely to recover.
"The Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser" (Vic.) Thursday, 20th April 1871.

Catherine McLELLAN, widow of william died at Sandford, S-W Vic. in 1907 and was also buried in the Sandford cemetery.

William McLELLAN & Catherine McARTHUR had the following known family...

  1. John McLELLAN b. 1858, Abbey parish, Renfrewshire, Sct, d. Sct.?
  2. Mary Ann Jane McLELLAN b. 1859, Abbey parish, Renfrewshire, Sct, d. 1910, Sandford, S-W Vic.
  3. Emily McLELLAN b. 1861, ........, d. ........
  4. Catherine McLELLAN b. 1863, ........, d. 1954, Casterton, S-W Vic.
  5. Elizabeth McLELLAN b. 1867, Casterton, S-W Vic., d. 1960, Casterton, S-W Vic., m. in 1889 to Alexander Campbell ROSS 1865-1938, b. Casterton, S-W Vic., d. Casterton, S-W Vic., blacksmith & shire councillor of Merino, S-W Vic., 5 children.
  6. Margaret McLELLAN b. 1871, Sandford, S-W Vic., d. 1876, Sandford, S-W Vic.